View from a safe distance.
- Use binoculars, spotting scopes and viewing blinds for a close look
- Be quiet and move slowly
- Avoid nests and dens
- Do not take or touch young wildlife
- Learn animal alarm behaviors. Know when you are getting too close.
- Safeguard the health of wildlife and yourself.
- Don't take chances.
Resist the urge to offer handouts. |
- Do not feed animals in the wild
- Reserve feeding wildlife to backyard birds
Photograph responsibility. |
- Use telephoto lens from blind or car
- Never chase, herd or flush wildlife
- Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints
- Photograph wildlife as part of the natural environment
- Identify photos of captured wildlife
Be Considerate. |
- Ask to enter private lands.
- Obey rules, regulations, restrictions
- Wait your turn to view
- Leave pets at home or in the car
- Stay on designated roads and trails
Be a mentor. |
- Help others to become responsible wildlife watchers
- Share your knowledge and skills
- Repeort unethical/illegal activities to local Wildlife Agency or property owner.