• Can be no less than 8 miles
  • Working with planners, DOT, DRT and interested citizens, WMTH ran the route 14 times during the March visit. Staying with the original State Scenic Byway Route from the countyline to Hwy 278 is no longer possible. Sections are now four-lane or might be in the near future. 4-lane roads will not qualify.
  • WMTH has come up with a possible alternative route which will actually draw visitors into the downtown village area and encourages longer stays and more shopping.
  • Have at least two intrinsic qualities.
    It has all six!
    Click here for list of intrinsic qualities along the route
  • Only two lanes allowed. But third turning lanes are permitted.
    a. It is two lanes from start to finish. There is a possibility that within the next few years, the section from the Jasper county line to the intersection of Hwy 170 and SC 46 might be expanded to 4 lane. This portion could be declassified and there would still be over the 8 mile requirement.
  • Develop an inventory of everything every 1/2 mile on each side of the route along the proposed route.
    Click here for inventory
  • Community must work together with Transportation, City and County Planners, City and County officials, Legislators and Federal Government to:
    a. Develop and adopt a Corridor Management Plan for SC 46.
    Click here for a few of the opportunities which may result from developing and implementing a Corridor Management Plan.
    b. Assist and support alternative options for traffic flow because the traffic must go somewhere.
  • But one must recognize the fact that once all the development is completed, no matter how many alternative options there might be to reroute traffic, there is going to be A LOT OF TRAFFIC on SC 46. The Corridor Management Plan will not stop this. What it will help do is create a plan to manage the route as best as possible for the best outcome.
Click here for the Reality of Growth

WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 781-6858 FAX 781-2949