1. Slow down the traffic. Make this a pleasure drive.
  • Safety issues for motorists, bicyclists as well as pedestrians when one gets downtown.
  • Will reduce pass thru traffic and trucks.
  • Might allow future developments not to have such long deceleration lanes.
  • Takes longer to get anywhere. Are you willing to abide by this? How slow? 45 miles? 35 miles per hour and 25 downtown?
  • Could deter travelers from coming through Bluffton.
    a. Take this as a positive… It provides an opportunity to focus on attracting those who actually want to visit Bluffton, not pass-through and trucks. But this will require MARKETING!
  • And what you are currently doing as far as marketing is not enough.
2. Save the trees and canopies
3. Entranceways to development – Aesthetically pleasing
4. Other priorities? E-mail us and let us know.

WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 781-6858 FAX 781-2949