Knott County Strategic Plan Meetings - Hindman Settlement School
Hindman Area Stewart Burrill & Rebecca Ware
Things currently offered:
City added benches and flower pots
Artisan Center & Café
Artisan Studio
Plans to expand to four buildings
Issues: Parking
Needs and Potential:
Develop a history museum and hands on kids hands-on exploration zone
Focus on the number of people who have had a positive impact on county.
Improve exterior of high school gym and develop
Capitalize on both arts and music
Hindman Settlement School Minutes
The Knott County Tourism Commission along with the Knott County Chamber of Commerce met during a breakfast meeting at the Hindman Settlement School. This meeting was a follow-up to the strategic planning meeting for Knott County Adventure Tourism and is one of several meetings that are to be held in different parts of the county. It was felt that individuals in other parts of the county could express what they see in their communities for tourism.
Those present were: Debby Spencer, Kim King, Teresa Huff, Lola Patterson, Shelly Amburgey, Larry Parks, Amanda Combs, Michael Ware, Rebecca Ware, Debbie Moore, Bernice Amburgey, Richard Pigman, DeWayne Amburgey, Karen Jones, Tim Cody, Stuart Burrell, Pat Bradley, Nate Hovee and Mike Mullins. Rebecca Ware welcomed the group.
Debby Spencer posed a question as part of the strategic planning. The question was asked, “What do you want to see happen in 3 to 5 years in your community for Adventure Tourism? She asked the group to list the Hindman area’s opportunities and challenges:
Lodging was one of the first challenges that were mentioned. The possible need for a motel, bed and breakfast and cabins at the lake were discussed. Restaurants were another source of concern. There is not a place for fine dining and few eateries to choose from.
Another suggestion was that there could possibly be a need for transportation; such as shuttle buses to transport people from areas such as the Sportsplex to bring people into Hindman. This would be especially helpful if Hindman would have several crafts shop in the downtown area. People who may be attending sports event and have some extra time may like to go to Hindman to shop.
Parking was another challenge mentioned in the downtown area. Several suggestions were made as to how additional parking could be made available. The James Still Amphitheatre was discussed and parking was a consideration as part of the plan.
Mike Mullins suggested that signage was certainly a need for Hindman. Debby showed pictures of signage that she had been working on for another town and that this type of signage could be available for Hindman. Debby suggested that a plan be made for signage as soon as possible. She also mentioned that once signs are put up that they have to be correct, because it is very difficult to make changes after signs are up. It was mentioned that a KRADD Grant has been received for signage to welcome people at the County line areas and that the community of Pippa Passes had offered to pay for a second welcome sign as one enters Knott County on Hwy 80. After discussion it was felt that a plan for signage could be submitted to the state by June 30.
The creek through Hindman was discussed. It was felt that there could be a major clean up of the creek along with landscaping to make the creek attractive and a focal part of Hindman. Some benches and flowers have already been placed on the bridge to make it more attractive.
Downtown beautification was discussed. It was mentioned that a group had been formed to develop a Main Street Master Plan. The plans included new lighting, landscaping and a mural to be painted on the wall of the Napier Building. Grant proposals for the work had been submitted, however, the group had discontinued due to the chairperson being ill. Debby asked if there is a possibility of talking with individuals of the group to find out where the project left off and to find out if the grant money is still available.
The housing issue in Hindman was discussed. The Kentucky School of Craft is in need of housing for craft students.
Hindman has a welcome center and it was felt that volunteers could be recruited to provide help to talk with visitors and to handout tourism information. One possible suggestion was to ask the retired teachers group if there would be an interest in this type of position. Debby mentioned that there is a program called Green Thumb that will provide pay to senior citizens who are interested in this type of position.
DeWayne Amburgey mentioned that a week long festival might be done that would educate people who are already in Knott County about the tourism in Knott County and have arts and crafts and music. Shelly Amburgey mentioned that the Knott County Chamber of Commerce held a one day “Taste of Hindman” event two different times at the Mini Mall. Restaurants gave out samples of their food and other organizations give out pamphlets and information about their businesses.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. with other meetings being held at Pippa Passes, Kentucky and Carr Creek Lake.
A quick summary of above meeting at Hindman Settlement School is provided below:
Hotels, cabins, B&B’s
Sit-down, family restaurants, steak house, a little atmosphere
Transportation Mass Transit
Shuttle system and volunteer tour guides
Need familiarization tours not just for visitors but also for residents so they know what the county has to offer.
Improved with bridge
Need additional parking Parking Structure
Potential for Old High School
Need to improve river access and make it more appealing
Develop the river as an attraction
Capitalize on clean up and use
Amphitheater on riverfront
There is a plan that needs to be followed up on.
CDI Immediate action: Need to review it and determine status.
Funding for sidewalk and lighting
Graystone Building Clean-up
Main Street Program
Business Stimulus
Need affordable housing Affordable rental
Mural downtown on buildings depicting many offerings throughout county.