Streams of the Land Between the Lakes Map

CUMBERLAND RIVER: This section of the Cumberland River makes long, graceful curves through hilly farmland and is lined with primarily willow trees.

Barkley Dam to Ohio River (Livingston Co)

TENNESSEE RIVER: Scenery on this section of the Tennessee River is similar to that of the Cumberland River above, except that the river valley is somewhat deeper. 

Dam to mouth of Clarks River (Marshall Co, McCracken Co)

MUDDY FORK OF THE LITTLE RIVER:  This is an inviting, intimate stream with steep banks, profuse shade, and occasional exposed rock.  Scenery streamside consists of rolling farm- and woodland.

John King Rd bridge to lake Barkley (Trigg Co)

LITTLE RIVER:  The upper section of the Little River is winding and treelined with some giant, virgin timber.  Terrain is hilly and rolling and surrounding hillsides are steep with some exposed rock visible.

KY 272 to Lake Barkley (Trigg Co)

WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 792-5300 FAX 721-0004