Driving & Walking Tours | Monuments | John Hunt Morgan in Kentucky | Fort Heiman
Owingsville, KY
68. Confederate Monument
Owingsville Cemetery, Bath County
Limestone figure on pedestal, 1907

Inscription: The Confederate Soldiers of Bath County, KY 1861 - 1865.

This is one of the many Kentucky monuments erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, after a ten-year fundraising effort. Dedicated in 1907, it is approximately 13 feet tall and depicts a soldier leaning on his rifle. A tree stump to his rear is a typical sculptural convention to visually and physically support the figure. The pedestal is adorned with crossed guns and swords, as well as the Confederate flag.

Union troops were lodging in the courthouse in Owingsville when Confederates drove them from the area in 1864. In the confusion a fire was accidentally started, and the courthouse burned. The federal government funded the rebuilding of the county's courthouse.


You may notice that not all of the soldiers depicted in these monuments look like young men. Research the ages of soldiers who fought in the Civil War and compile some statistics. Why did so many older men fight?

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