Driving & Walking Tours | Monuments | John Hunt Morgan in Kentucky | Fort Heiman
Hickman, KY
2. Hickman City Cemetery (Fulton County)
Granite monumental arch/gateway, 1913
Inscriptions: 1861 Our Heroes 1865 (capstone); Erected by Private Robert Tyler Chapter
U. D. C. (lintel). (Names of 70 Confederate soldiers are inscribed on tablets above both pedestrian gateways.)

One of two memorial gateways constructed by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Kentucky, this may be the most unusual Civil War monument design in the state. The ten-year, $10,000 project was completed by the Private Robert Tyler Chapter of the UDC in 1913. It serves as a drive-through archway, flanked by pedestrian entrances with iron gates.

The design, by Sir Moses Ezekiel, was executed by the McNeel Marble Company of Marietta, Georgia, manufacturers of the Calloway County Courthouse Square memorial in Murray, as well as others.

Hickman was occupied at various times during the War by Confederate and Union forces. It was an important location because of its vital transportation lines, both rail and river, and its proximity to the Tennessee border. Although the community had a strong allegiance to the Confederacy, it was still raided by Rebel forces on several occasions.


Identify the periods when Hickman was controlled by Union and the periods when it was controlled by the Confederacy. Why did these shifts occur? Locate the town on the map and discuss the significance of this location. Research the major Union and Confederate camps along the Tennessee border, creating a two-symbol map. Discuss any patterns.

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WMTH Corporation, PO Box 51153, Bowling Green, KY 42102