Geography (Activities 7-10)
7. Students use a variety of tools to obtain and present geographic information (Grades 2+).
- Use maps, markings, written and/or oral directions, and landmarks to find Civil War monuments in Kentucky. Create maps and/or written/oral directions to Civil War monuments in Kentucky or your community.
- 8. Students will understand that our physical environment promotes and limits
- human activities (Grade 5).
- In the 1800s, how did the Ohio River along Kentuckys border serve to both promote and limit human activities? Consider that the Ohio River was a major route for settlement, transportation, and commerce. Consider that the Ohio River was a challenging barrier to freedom for slaves. Consider that the Ohio River helped define the boundary between North and South, even though Kentucky was a neutral, then a Border State in the Union. Select one of the following ideas: The Ohio River was a physical feature that promoted human activities. or The Ohio River was a physical feature that limited human activities. Write a persuasive essay for your portfolio supporting your viewpoint, giving specific examples.
- 9. Students will understand that technology assists the human modification of the
- physical environment (Grade 8).
- Research the raids, skirmishes, and battles that occurred in your community during the Civil War. Investigate the natural and manmade features of this area in relation to the events that took place during the War. How did bridges, railroad lines, rivers, high elevations and other features impact the events of the War? How did transportation and communications technologies impact these activities?
10. Students will understand that the history of the United States was influenced by the physical environment (Grades 5 and 8). Students will understand that different perspectives can define regions and product conflict (Grade 11).
Create a map of loyalties during the Civil War, identifying Union states in one color, Confederate states in second color, and Border States in a third color. Border States were the four slaveholding states in the Union (Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, and Missouri). Be certain to create or adapt a map that represents the United States as it was in the 1861-1865 period, rather than using a recent map. Indicate the exact time period your map represents, for example, in June 1861, western counties in Virginia joined the Union, becoming the new state of West Virginia. After completing the map, discuss the significance of Kentuckys geographic location. Why was the defense of the nations capital, Washington, D.C., such a challenge during the War? Create another map for the same time period, identifying slave and free states. Compare the two maps.