Involves preliminary mapping and developing concept plans for each of the proposed trail systems. Go to the bottom of the page and click on Master Plan for a downloadable high resolution of the Master Plan developed for Knott County's Adventure Tourism Park System Initiative. Click here for a viewable version of the Master plan.
Maps were created by Summit Engineering and WMTH Corporation. Preliminary concept plans were laid out by the team of Summit Engineering, WMTH Corporation, Economic Research Associates and Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon in partnership with Knott County Fiscal Court.
MAPPING INITIATIVE. One of the major obstacles to the development of a trail system of any significant size is getting access to property. Realizing that it is much simpler to deal with a few companies that own very large tracts of land than it is to deal with dozens of individuals who own small tracts - research began to identify the owners of the largest parcels in Knott County. By reviewing available surface mine maps, PVA records and information provided by some of the largest property owners, several of the largest tracts of land in Knott County have been identified.
Click on Map for Larger Version
PROPERTY OWNERS OF LARGE PARCELS OF LAND. After determining who owned each of these large parcels of land, meetings were set up with the primary contacts to determine their interest in the initiative. Joe Newland expressed interest in developing an extensive netowrk of horse trails on portions of Western Pocahontas’ 42,000 acres of reclaimed mine land. Bob Miller of Miller’s Brothers Coal Company expressed interest in developing wildlife viewing areas as well as ATV and horseback riding trails on some of their property.
STAKEHOLDERS. Obviously, the owners of the property that would be used for trail development are major stakeholders in this process. Knott County Judge Executive Randy Thompson has been in frequent contact with land owners to let them know what is being proposed and to gain their cooperation and support for the initiative.
Other stakeholders include potential users of the trail, residents who may live near the trails and business owners or potential business owners who could benefit from increased tourism in Knott County.
SUTTON HEIRS PROVIDE LAND FOR THE TRAINING CENTER. The heirs of the Sutton property, located in the northwest wuadrant of the county were the first to step forward and offer ten acres of land for developing the ATV Training Center. They have also provided an easement on the remaining 600 acres specifically for developing ATV and/or horseback riding trails.
Sutton Heirs
Letter of Support (Click for Larger Version)
~Discussions are already in the works for building cabins and resort lodging near the site for visitors.
~A private landowner has offered his property for a second ATV trailhead located in the eastern corner of the county.
~One entrepreneur has developed a business plan for expanding her horseback riding business in anticipation of more people coming to the area.
~A husband and wife team are looking at opening an equestrian business to take people into the wilderness to hear the elks bugle in the Fall.
~Another couple has expressed interest in providing wagon rides for senior citizens, young children and those with special needs to allow all people the opportunity to view elk and wildlife.
~Preliminary conversations are also “in the works” for opening up a portion of 42,000 acres of land currently owned by a coal company for wildlife viewing and horseback riding.