New Beginnings Therapeutic Riding, Inc. offers classes to individuals with disabilities.
We use equine-oriented activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well being of people with disabilities. Therapeutic riding provides benefits in the areas of exercise, education, sport, recreation and leisure.
All our classes start with our students grooming their horse, putting on the saddle pad and saddle and buckling the girth strap, and attaching the reins to the halter or putting on the bridle. These activities use muscles in the upper body and helps build strength and flexibility, increases range of motion, sharpens gross and fine motor skills, increases coordination and promotes better muscle tone. Grooming also encourages abilities in sequencing, following directions, and daily living skills. These benefits are further developed as the student rides.
Riders mount unassisted from a two-step block, or assisted from a ramp. Assisted mounting can be a complete or partial lift from a wheelchair, or a traditional mount with major, partial, minimum, or no assistance. Any of these mounts stretch muscles that are not stretched in daily life, require an extension in the range of motion on the riders’ part, require the rider to change his/her balance and builds strength in little used muscles. At the end of a class, the dismounts are to the ground, and usually assisted.
New Beginnings Therapeutic Riding, Inc. offers classes to individuals with disabilities.
We use equine-oriented activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well being of people with disabilities. Therapeutic riding provides benefits in the areas of exercise, education, sport, recreation and leisure.
All our classes start with our students grooming their horse, putting on the saddle pad and saddle and buckling the girth strap, and attaching the reins to the halter or putting on the bridle. These activities use muscles in the upper body and helps build strength and flexibility, increases range of motion, sharpens gross and fine motor skills, increases coordination and promotes better muscle tone. Grooming also encourages abilities in sequencing, following directions, and daily living skills. These benefits are further developed as the student rides.
Riders mount unassisted from a two-step block, or assisted from a ramp. Assisted mounting can be a complete or partial lift from a wheelchair, or a traditional mount with major, partial, minimum, or no assistance. Any of these mounts stretch muscles that are not stretched in daily life, require an extension in the range of motion on the riders’ part, require the rider to change his/her balance and builds strength in little used muscles. At the end of a class, the dismounts are to the ground, and usually assisted.
During the class, the rider learns to control the horse with their voice, balance, body position, reins and use of legs (if they are able to use their legs) at a walk, trot, and occasionally for our advanced riders, a canter. The riders also learn basic horse anatomy and terminology. Some riders have expressed the enjoyment of being able to move so freely without the assistance of wheelchairs, walkers, or other assistive devices.
We ask the students to play games that make the rider stretch, twist and reach using gross and fine motor skills that increase range of motion, all while maintaining their balance. Many of the games are really problem solving exercises, incorporating daily living skills plus areas of schooling they may be having troubles with.
Horseback riding is a sport that our riders can be involved in that helps build confidence and independence, better behaviors, more logical thinking processes, and better physical conditioning. The riders are challenged to be the best they can be and are given
opportunities to compete in special equestrian competition classes.
For more information about New Beginnings or if you are interested in volunteering or becoming a sponsor, contact us at 270 782 6496.
For a downloadable PDF Flyer with information about New Beginnings and the upcoming Golf Tournament, Click here.
WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 781-6858 FAX 781-2949