Highway 68 (west)

Highway 31W

Highway 31E

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WMTH Corporation
Email photos to: judy.ross@wku.edu.


13444 US Hwy 68 East
Benton, KY 42025
(270) 354-6521

CUISINE: Country style home cooking
HOUSE SPECIALTIES: catfish, chicken, homemade breads and deserts, assorted vegetables
No. Years in Operation: 25
Hrs-Operation: Mon-Sat 4 - 9 pm, Sunday 12 - 8 pm, Closed Wednesday
Seasonal Operation: March 1 - October 31
Serves: Dinner
Seating Capacity: 48
Reservations Required: No
Motorcoach Parking: Yes

WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 792-5300 FAX 721-0004