The Great Raid, Summer 1863
On July 2, 1863, with some 2,500 men, Morgans regiments crossed the Cumberland River into Kentucky at Burkesville and Neeleys ferries. (A,B) Learn about Marrowbone's Federal camp (C) and the skirmishes at Norris Branch (D) and Columbia. (E) Visit the grave of Morgan pursuer Wolford. (F)
Make a stop at the site of a supply depot at Camp Billy Williams near Neatsville. (G) Continue the raid where the men camped at Cane Valley (H) before the Rebel disaster at Tebbs Bend where Morgans men took 71 casualties. (I - ten markers) See where troops foraged at the Hiestand House in Campbellsville. (J)
Take a side trip to Greensburg to learn about General Edward H. Hobson who pursued Morgan. (K,L) Visit the site in Lebanon where Morgans teenage brother, Tom, was shot in the heart and died in his brother Calvins arms.(M) In retaliation, much of the city was burned. (N,O)
Learn what happened in Springfield. (P) Find out how 25 Union soldiers in Bardstown (Q) delayed Morgan for 24 hours and the action that took place at both Bardstown Junction and Lebanon Junction. (R,S,T)
See where two steamboats ferried over 2,200 men and their horses across the river at Brandenburg for 16 hours while a detachment of Harrison Co. Indiana Home Guards fired at the Raiders with an ancient cannon. (U,V,W,X)