At an exploratory meeting held in early December 2006. Roger Bolen was elected President and Sarah Wetmore and Garth Bolen Vice Presidents for a newly created horseback riding club, part of the Countywide Adventure Tourism Park System, the Knott County Fiscal Court is creating.

Teresa Patrick agreed to serve as Secretary and Larry Parke as Sargeant of Arms. The first official meeting was held December 15, 2006, with 28 people in attendance.

The second official meeting was held Monday night, January 8, 2007, at the library in Hindman, KY. Over 30 people were in attendance. Four major actions were taken during this meeting. The club was officially named the Knott County Saddle Club. They will hold two county-sponsored events (rides) this year. The first event will be held the first weekend in May and the second event will be held the first weekend in October. A trail development committee has been created and will begin marking the trails this following weekend. Three other committees have been created.

Meetings will be held the second Monday of every month at 7 PM. To find out more or to become actively involved, contact us.

To contact the Knott County Trail Riders, click here.
WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 781-6858 FAX 781-2949