Whitewater in Kentucky
The first ever Whitewater Parks Conference in Glenwood Springs, Colorado was held October 5-7, 2005. Presentations were given by numerous whitewater developers and architects from around the world. The conference attendees also visited a number of whitewater parks and met with individuals who helped to develop parks in their communities. Currently there are 23 completed whitewater parks in the United States with approximately 12 more under some phase of construction.

Dr. Steve Spencer, Professor in Outdoor Recreation from Western Kentucky University and Debby Spencer, WMTH Corporation, attended this conference and presented on the current status of the Bowling Green-Mitch McConnell Park-Barren River project. They have returned with a wealth of information about Whitewater Parks throughout the country. Dr. Spencer has a prepared presentation about the whitewater park phenomena and would love to share this information with any community group interested in finding out more about this initiative and what it could mean to Bowling Green and the entire region.

Contact Dr. Spencer today at steve.spencer@wku.edu to find out more about this exciting project. And continue to check out our website (trailsrus.com) which will provide up-to-date information and notices of any upcoming meetings.

  • Whitewater Parks are an opportunity to draw people together and revitalize a city.
  • Whitewater Parks are "people magnets" drawing 20 people to the area for every boater that takes to the water.
  • The economic impact from these parks has been extraordinary.
  • Elevation change in the pool levels at the existing dam is enough to spread evenly over 4-6 smaller dams.
  • Sufficient water flow for year-round use.
  • Outstanding viewing spots and spectator potential at water's edge, 50' high river bluffs and at existing bridges, including the historic College Street pedestrian bridge.
Colorado Conference Photos. Click on any of the images below for a larger version.

WMTH CORPORATION PO BOX 51153 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102 PHONE (270) 792-5300 FAX 721-0004