Cynthiana is located 13 miles north of Paris, KY on US 27. It has a walking tour which features more cast-iron front buildings than in Chicago, the second largest collection in Kentucky, and Battle Grove Cemetery, believed to have the second oldest Confederate monument in the U.S. Cynthiana also features a driving tour. Maps for both tours are available at the Harrison County Chamber of Commerce, 117 Court Street, M-F 9-4, 606/234-5236. Two Civil War battles were fought in Cynthiana. The first, at Licking Creek on July 17, 1862, was part of Gen. John Hunt Morgan's "First Kentucky Raid." The Federal force of 500 soldiers was defeated by Morgan's 800 Confederate soldiers and Cynthiana was captured. The Battle of Cynthiana took place on June 11-12, 1864 and consisted of three separate battles in which the Confederates were defeated, thus ending Morgan's last raid into Kentucky. Civil War artifacts can be found in the collections at the Cynthiana-Harrison County Museum (F-Sat 10-5, 13 South Walnut, 606/234-1053, not handicapped accessible). A monument commemorating the Battle of Cynthiana was erected in 1869 and is located in Battle Grove Cemetery. An annual re-enactment of The Battle of Cynthiana, 1862 is held in July. For more information, contact the Harrison Chamber of Commerce (606)234-5236. CIVIL WAR HISTORIC MARKERS IN AND NEAR CYNTHIANA:
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